Our St. Louis Med Spa Has Services to Maintain Gorgeous Skin

Our St. Louis Med Spa Has Services to Maintain Gorgeous Skin

Our St. Louis Med Spa Has Services to Maintain Gorgeous SkinWe are proud to be associated with Aesthetic Medispa of West County, of which Dr. Holds is the medical director. This area of our practice enables us to assist patients who want to look and feel better about their aging process and are committed to doing so without plastic surgery. We believe that graceful aging should be something anyone can do. All it takes is a little help, which we’ll discuss here.

Cosmetic aging usually relates to a few specific things. One is the loss of collagen that begins to occur in our twenties. Collagen is the protein that heals wounds. It is also responsible for holding up the skin’s foundation and helping to sustain youthful firmness. In addition to losing collagen, we also don’t make as much elastin and hyaluronic acid as we age. In combination, the decline in these chemicals contributes to sunspots, hyperpigmentation, rough texture, fine lines and wrinkles, and sagging tissue.

How to Give Graceful Aging a Hand

We have several spa treatments that can boost regenerative processes, including:

  1. Microneedling with PRP

Microneedling is a popular form of collagen-induction therapy because it is convenient and effective. The treatment is performed with an automated handpiece that “stamps” multiple layers of the skin to create microchannels. These channels close almost immediately, but not before the body perceives injury and begins producing collagen and other nutrients to repair tissue. Our microneedling treatment is enhanced with the use of PRP, platelet-rich plasma. This substance comes from the blood. It is the clear fluid that contains vital growth factors that accelerate and intensify healing for more profound rejuvenation.

  1. Stimulate Tissue Regeneration with a Chemical Peel

Sun damage is a significant factor in premature aging. Young people who have spent many days in the sunshine or under tanning lamps begin to notice fine lines, textural irregularities, and spots on their skin earlier than they would otherwise. Sometimes, these problems begin showing up before age 30. Chemical peels are an excellent solution to sun damage. These treatments are customized to address various problems with as little downtime as is convenient for the patient. Light peels need no downtime. Medium peels may cause redness and flaking that last up to 7 days. Deep chemical peels usually cause peeling and require about a week off work and other activities to allow the skin to fully recover.

Our experienced aesthetic team can customize treatments to your needs, helping you manage your skin at any age. Call 314-567-3567 or visit Aesthetic Medispa of West County website for more information.

Posted in: Spa Services

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