Ptosis Repair(Droopy Eyelids) in St. Louis, MO

Ptosis Repair(Droopy Eyelids) in St. Louis, MO

What is Ptosis?Ptosis Repair St. Louis MO

Ptosis is a fairly common condition in which one or both of your upper eyelids droop so that the eyelid margin sags, crowding or even covering the pupil. The drooping can be to a small extent, or it can be substantial so that the eyelid actually inhibits your vision. In fact, if the drooping eyelid significantly interferes with your vision. So, whether you have been living with the condition since birth, or you have developed it as part of the aging process or as the result of an eye injury, ptosis repair surgery in St. Louis, MO may be the answer for you. Your medical insurance may cover the surgery.

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What Causes A Droopy Eyelid?

Ptosis is a common result of muscle weakness in the muscle used to raise the eyelid or the nerves that control that muscle. Additionally, ptosis can be simply caused by loose skin on the eyelid. However, the cause of ptosis can also be more troubling. In certain cases, ptosis can result from a congenital condition, injury, surgery, or one of the following:

Symptoms of Ptosis

Ptosis commonly presents with the following symptoms:

  • Increased tear production
  • Difficulty blinking or closing the eye
  • Reduced vision as a result of severe eyelid drooping

Most commonly, since ptosis is caused by aging, the onset of symptoms is gradual. If patients experience a sudden onset of symptoms it is important to see our team immediately.

Our Team Discusses Eyelid Ptosis

If you believe you have ptosis, you may benefit from ptosis repair in St. Louis with our team. As one of America’s “Top Docs” Dr. Holds has written and published extensively on the topic of ptosis repair and is a noted authority on the topic. Here, he explains ptosis and ptosis repair.

How is Ptosis Diagnosed?

An ophthalmologist, can diagnose ptosis and often the cause of the problem. First, he will perform an eye examination including visual acuity tests, visual field testing, and a slit-lamp examination. In addition, our team may choose a tension test for myasthenia gravis. After testing, if he finds that the drooping lid is a result of an underlying disease, patients will be referred to another physician for further investigation.

“I’ve been seeing Dr Holds for 28 years by far the best doctor I’ve come across and would highly recommend him to anyone looking for eye surgery or plastic surgery.”         – Rod

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How to prepare for Ptosis Repair in St. Louis

After diagnosis and determining the need for surgery, patients will need to come in for a pre-surgery consultation. After arriving at our office, patients will need to provide a medical history as well as a current list of medications. We need to know about any major illnesses or problems you have had prior to surgery. Certain medications or supplements you take may need to be stopped for a week or so prior to your ptosis repair.

Our team will discuss your surgical goals, talk about what is attainable, and create a plan to accomplish it. Additionally, he will ask you what bothers you about your eyelids and how these changes in your eyelids may relate to changes in other parts of your face. It is important to have reasonable expectations and a mutual understanding of goals. Finally, our team will check for other eye conditions present that may alter the surgical plan.

Before and After Ptosis Repair in St. Louis

Ptosis Repair(Droopy Eyelids) in St. Louis, MOPtosis Repair(Droopy Eyelids) in St. Louis, MO

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Ptosis Surgery with our team

Ptosis repair is a surgical procedure that is performed on an outpatient basis. A local anesthetic is generally sufficient, although patients may opt for sedation in order to feel relaxed. Our team at Ophthalmic Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery, Inc. have extensive experience performing ptosis repair surgery and always take great care to make sure that your eyes are as symmetrical as possible after your procedure.

The surgery starts with a small incision in the crease of your upper eyelid. Then, the muscle of the lid, called the levator muscle, is tightened and reattached. This lifts the eyelid so that it no longer droops. Finally, the incision is closed with sutures that will dissolve or with sutures that are removed after 7-10 days.

Recovering from Droopy Eyelid Surgery

Patients will be given ice packs, antibiotic ointment, and pain medications to apply for a few days after your procedure. Artificial tears are generally used for the first few weeks, as dryness sometimes occurs after surgery. Discomfort is usually minimal with some minor swelling, bruising, tightening, and/or numbness of the eyelids. These symptoms will last 1-3 weeks, and complete healing takes 1-3 months depending upon the patient.

After ptosis surgery, most people take 3-7 days off before returning to work. If you normally wear contact lenses, you can wear them again about two weeks after your procedure. Patients that wear rigid gas-permeable contact lenses present a special situation, and usually, a DMV plunger must be used to remove the lenses for a few months after surgery. Rarely, these lenses must be refit after surgery or cannot be worn anymore.

Additional Eyelid Surgery in St. Louis, MO

If your eyelids also have excess tissue, our team may recommend a type of blepharoplasty along with your ptosis repair to remove the excess tissue and give you the best possible cosmetic and visual result. Our team offers cosmetic, upper, lower, Asian, and functional blepharoplasty surgery. If your brows are too low as well, our team may discuss a brow lift with you, which can be done at the same time as your ptosis repair procedure.

Schedule a Ptosis Repair Consultation in St. Peters!

Call our office today at 314-567-3567 for a consultation to find out if Ptosis Repair in St. Louis, MO is the best procedure for you to see better and look better.

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