Undereye Bags: When Dermal Fillers Won’t Do
- Posted on: Jan 15 2018
Undereye bags have long been a problem that has frustrated aging men and women. Until the development of soft tissue fillers, surgery was the only way to eliminate the puffiness that exacerbates the appearance of age on the face. Now that we have such products available, there is a strong lean in the non-surgical direction of treatment. Dermal fillers can be extremely effective at disguising undereye bags in mild to moderate cases. Where they won’t do is when we need to address festoons.
What are Festoons?
Festoons are a funny-sounding term used to describe severe undereye sagging. In the general situation, what needs to be corrected is relatively slight puffiness beneath the eye. The reason that this puffiness occurs is that the skin that holds the fatty tissue in place deteriorates due to collagen loss. The skin around the eyes is already delicate as it is. Without sufficient collagen protein to firm it up, it becomes so thin that fat pads protrude. This is the average eye bag. A festoon could be described as a secondary bag. It is puffiness that exists beneath the primary eye bag. You could recognize a festoon by its position on the upper cheek versus just below the eye.
The way that festoons are treated is important because, if not properly handled, they could end up looking worse. This may be the case if dermal fillers are used. The way that dermal fillers work on primary eye bags is by adding volume just beneath the crease of the bag. In so doing, the crease visibly disappears. This same method may not be as effective on festoons due to their position and severity. Too much volume would be necessary to minimize the appearance of puffiness, and that could alter the natural contours of the face.
Blepharoplasty for Festoons
Blepharoplasty has become one of the leading cosmetic procedures for one very good reason: it achieves long-term results. This eyelid rejuvenating surgery is not nearly as involved as one may imagine, and it may be the best approach for moderate to severe undereye bags. When festoons are also present, blepharoplasty may be the only way to achieve desirable results.
We can help you obtain the appearance that reflects your inner youthfulness. Call our St. Louis office at 314-567-3567.
Posted in: Blepharoplasty